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Hearts! (what Rey looks like as current, ......less chibiness though;)


Mabinogi BGM - Succubus Theme Song

Rey's Theme


Rey (left) and Ley (right).


Rey von Crimson River, the black-sheep of the Crimson River family.

Main Info[]


  • Name: Rey von Crimson River
  • Age: Cannot be determined in human years, but looks about 18.
  • Favorite Activity: Reading cheesy love stories.
  • Pet Peeve: Being alone, and the darkness. (Yes, Rey is scared of the dark. kkkk)

Not much about Rey is known, yet she is Ley von Crimson River's twin. She is revealed to be the reincarnation of Vales, an ages-old demon oracle. (Irony..) Vales was known to be an angel/demon hybrid, and betrayed the other side. The angels did not accept her, as her heart was still "impure". She gave her soul to be "cleansed", yet something went wrong and she died. She could have been a valuable asset to the Angels, as she could speak with the many goddesses and gods of Leporandum. Rey is cast away from the Crimson River family, because she was an embarrasment and disgrace. Rey seeks her sister Ley's approval and will attempt to do whatever it takes to get it, even if that means stealing a diamond worth more than 20 kings' ransoms.


Rey is very kind and polite to the point that she is easy to manipulate, especially by her twin sister, Ley von Crimson River. Many think of her as a poor judge of character, but it may be the case that she is instead quite perceptive as each of her observations have a degree of truth to them. Rey usually wears a demon-warding hood and traditional acolyte dress of Vales.


  • "That hurts!"
  • "You should fix your ways."
  • "Achooo~"
  • "Well then, shall we begin?"
  • "How about just giving up now?"
  • "Umm.."
  • "Please, just accept your punishment with decorum!"